Thursday, April 3, 2008

Spring Rush Hitting Fast

Hi. Irish Mom here. Of course still neck deep in doing house projects. Right now the kids are helping out checking the consistency of thin set. I Think the find the smell attractive because there are a lot of attempts at taste testing the thin set. Yes, in the middle of a tile job, prep etc. I keep telling myself pace will pick up when I get into carpentry, paneling and flooring restoration which are really my areas of competency. I can do tile , it's just I've never cared for projects involving gypsum, much as the kids like it. I actually enjoy metal work in comparison. Try to update photos soon there actually may be some visible progress that's photogenic. Also I have the deadline of at least getting my 'orchard' in. Thank goodness that I'm just planning semi dwarf trees around the kitchen garden this year. Should supply nice view from the porch of the quilt shed. Wishing you a busy but not hectic spring.

Bo here. Yeah, Mom's busy but I notice that hasn't kept her from finding the stripping comb. I also caught her pulling out the grooming box and cleaning and sharpening those clipper blades. It's not that warm yet, well it is nice enough I'm keeping watch outside til later than before, the new grass stays nice and warm, so I make sure all the cats are getting in at night. Meeting a few new residents in the neighborhood, the bitch across the way is in heat and getting a lot of new visitors passing by. I do like the new pup they have, a cute 3 month old bull terrier who is a fearless little thing.

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